It was 21st January 2018 when we came into a relationship. I had never been so happy since it was my first relationship.
The realization(not just on verbal but on the inner experience) happened that time was not an absolute quantity, it was relative to my state of mind: more happier and engaging I was, more swiftly time flew away.
Coming into a relationship for the first time was completely unknown territory for both of us. 5-6 months later the conflicts started happening.
Possessiveness, conflicting thoughts and everything worse that could ever happen, happened to us.
We both started fighting on unnecessary things (hope you can relate to it), it could be me not picking up her phone or simply not meeting.
This kept on happening and happening and it formed a loop, also my anger and reacting aggressively made the conditions much worse.
Situations which could have been handled easily just kept on turning into something serious which we both couldn’t see.
Finally after a year and a half into the relationship we called it a quit and have not been into contact since last October 2019.
I haven’t described much here but you’ll find all the answers in my posts( do check them out) on things that can go wrong in a relationship and also how to move on and stay strong after a breakup.
Also, 4-5 months after my break up, I was fired from my job due to the corona crisis. The suffering doubled, one was my breakup and next was my career. Both gone, within a few months.
Thoughts started to take a mental toll on me, I am a guy who is very curious about everything. I made sure that I had to know what is going wrong inside my mind and how can I fix it.
Been from India, from past many years, spirituality has been given immense importance.
I turned inwards for all the answers and yes did find many things which if I had known before coming into a relationship, the situation would have been completely different.
Maybe we would have been together and I had never thought of sharing my experience here. But that’s completely fine, there is a right time for everything.
Instead taking mistakes as guilt, a wise person would always learn from it and keep moving on.
PS:- Now the important part, I’m not an expert or a professional and I would definitely not want to sound like one. Even if I did, it would mould my answers into theoretical tips and tricks instead my experiential learning.
One thing that experiential learning or guidance ensures is that it gives you a SOLUTION, not SOLACE. I believe in permanent root cause solution which could practically bring change in someone’s life.
Also, you won’t find any affiliate link on this website, since I don’t believe in these hefty courses and stuff. Ads would only be a medium to earn for my work, hope it won’t affect you much.
Checkout some post, do comment and let me know if you found any value in them. Your feedback is much appreciated.
Talk soon,Saurabh